Derideal Webcomics – Actualizaciones semanales! - ¡Cómics de acción y ciencia ficción con personajes antropomorfos!

12-Vulnerable - v04

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Estos son los episodios totalmente nuevos de Derideal! o «Derideal parte 3»

¡Derideal ahora actualiza Lunes y Miércoles!

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9 months ago

Wait what?!

9 months ago

Personally, I was thinking this would be something that was a bit more than this. Like Beta being pregnant.After all, with several potential branching future stories with the Xenoes getting on without the humans and and in one with a complete societal collapse, I’d expext they could reproduce on their own if given the chance. Though on the too human point, well this experiment was built on the research of a researcher that used his project to make a replacement daughter while also making something to pass on for an extention of his research. What did you expect? There was… Read more »

9 months ago

Beta enamorada?! he visto indicios pero esto lo confirma, los propios científicos del consorcio impresionado creyendo por fin que habían logrado completar sus estudios de la mente y tiene que comenzar de nuevo. todo gracias a la llegada de alfa que le abrió la mente a Beta. Ivory siempre obedecía al consorcio pero la llegada de Aden hizo descubrir su curiosidad y algo mas. O.O Quizás en un futuro cercano podemos ver la relacion entre Ivory y Aden. Estoy seguro que Ivory lograra traer de vuelta Aden y logre cambiar su percepción del mundo que no todo es gris y… Read more »

Felix the Manul
Felix the Manul
9 months ago

At first I thought her concern about Ivory being odd way to show care, but then it clicked that she mean «Something wrong with Beta» as in «Oh, no this toy is broken» way, not emphaty.

9 months ago

I feel like Daniel keeps slipping into that attitude, but despite not really respecting the Xenos as equals, he does have genuine affection for them and sincerely desires their well-being.

Grouchy lady, meanwhile, is 100% secure in her belief that the Xenos are disposable, replaceable tools, and any action on their part that doesn’t conform to this identity she projects onto them is a flaw to be corrected.

Sin of Avarice
Sin of Avarice
9 months ago

Incoming trip to the memory altering machine for Ivory. All her ‘problems’ would be gone if they just mess around with her head.

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