Derideal Webcomics – Actualizaciones semanales! - ¡Cómics de acción y ciencia ficción con personajes antropomorfos!

14-La Culpa - g14

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14-La Culpa

Estos son los episodios totalmente nuevos de Derideal! o «Derideal parte 3»

¡Derideal ahora actualiza Lunes y Miércoles!

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Felix the Manul
Felix the Manul
25 days ago

Yeah, our cat does like to sleep on flower bed during summers. He does ruin some flowers, but I gotta admit it’s better than if our dog was sleeping on it. And I don’t care how much my wife complains about it, this 16 years old tabby is one of my oldest and dearest friends

Felix the Manul
Felix the Manul
25 days ago

Well, mostly cats. Ivory wouldn’t put Daniel above priority of catching and most likely devouring that butterfly, if she was more cat than a person.

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