Derideal Webcomics – Actualizaciones semanales! - ¡Cómics de acción y ciencia ficción con personajes antropomorfos!

09-Hogar prisión - 18

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Otros Comics



09-Hogar prisión

¡Derideal ahora actualiza Lunes y Miércoles!

LA historia de Alfa continua en esta nueva misión para el Consorcio!
gracias por leer Derideal!
este episodio se hizo originalmente hace 5 años atrás más o menos, las siguientes páginas han sido revisadas y retocadas para que funcionen mejor con la versión remake del comic…
recuerden, la historia de Derideal esta lejos aún de terminar!

No les recomiendo leer la version «Legacy» más allá del episodio 5, o se harán spoiler de la historia que sigue aquí.

si les gustan mis comics, pueden ayudarme a continuar con el proyecto uniendose a mi Patreon! Patreon

Derideal es el cómic principal de la serie.

si les gustan mis comics, pueden ayudarme a continuar con el proyecto uniendose a mi Patreon


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1 year ago

Hey, look whose presence here is in no way suspicious! 😉

In any case, I’m happy to see her.

Felix the Manul
Felix the Manul
1 year ago

«Tis but a scratch»

Really, though. After seeing him surviving loss of sustantial amount of brain matter, it really is just a scratch.

Felix the Manul
Felix the Manul
1 year ago

Right, in his case he get loss of memory. But that is still better than what usually happens when living things get hit in the head by a bullet: they tend to bite the dust… kick the bucket… flatline…

1 year ago

I’m a little confused… this comic «thread» is something different than before, when I first started reading it. Or at least I think it is. Why is that? Is he the same cat in a different situation or…? It’s an interesting new situation he is in, but… I’d like to be able to keep track of who and where and what is going on. 😀

1 year ago

Ok, when I started reading this comic, the cat boy/girl were in separate cages, being experimented on, tortured, etc. The male was even being killed, I think, and waking up in a slightly different place/situation. Then, it jumped to this scenario, which was TOTALLY different. I’m simply trying to figure out, is this a reboot of the previous comic or a Matrix-esque type «you have no idea what is real and what isn’t» continuation of the previous comic… a dream sequence that never ends… or…? I simply want to understand what I’m seeing and get context. Is this the SAME… Read more »

1 year ago

Ok, thank you… so it’s the same male and female cat, then? Just they’ve been mind-wiped and put into a new «scenario» and don’t realize it? Kinda like how you don’t realize you’re in a dream… or you’re unlucky enough to be stuck in The Framework of «Agents of Shield»…

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